Frequently asked Questions

Below, you will find an overview of frequently asked questions. Not seeing you question about Fortuin here? Feel free to contact us. Our experts are happy to help. 

Are Fortuin products gluten-free?

Please keep enjoying our products, just in a responsible way! 

I bought a Fortuin product that did not meet my expectations for the look or taste, what should I do?

We are very sorry that the product did not meet your expectations, and would like to get to the bottom of the problem. That is why we would appreciate it if you could return the product to us in its original packaging. Please include the following information (if you know it), so that our quality service can look into it.  

  • Your name, address, email and phone number 
  • Description of the complaint 
  • Expiry date of the product 
  • The name of the shop/location where you bought/got the product 
  • Date that you bought/got the product 

We ask you to send the information above and the product free of charge to: 

Fortuin Dockum B.V. 
Business reply number 452 
9100 WB Dokkum 
Attention of the quality service 
(Stamp not necessary) 

Thank you very much for your cooperation, and we will contact you as soon as possible once we have received the complaint.  

What about the sugar in Fortuin products?

Sugar is one of the most important flavourings in many Fortuin products. All kinds of sugar provide your body with energy, but not the necessary vitamins, minerals and fibres. Research has shown that eating too much sugar can cause various health problems and obesity. That is why the dietary centre advises a maximum daily intake of 90 grams of sugar for adults. As a confectionery producer, Fortuin feels a responsibility to help create awareness among our customers.  

It is important to not eat too much sugar and make sure your diet is diverse. The same goes for the consumptions of our peppermints. A D.F. peppermint contains about 3 grams of sugar, which is equal to 18.8 kcal. We hope to help our customers keep track of their daily sugar intake by providing the right information. That is why the amount of sugar in our products is always mentioned on the packaging.  

As a leading manufacturer of peppermints, we are also keeping an eye on the most recent developments when it comes to alternative ingredients, so that we can bring more balance to our range. A few examples are Fortuin’s sugar-free and vegan mints.  

For more information about the importance of a healthy diet and an active lifestyle, we refer you to the website of the dietary centre. 

Do you have any questions about the sugar we use in our products? Send an email to [email protected] and we will gladly tell you more.  

Zijn de producten van Fortuin glutenvrij?

Yes! We are very proud of the fact that our products are completely gluten-free. 

Do Fortuin products comply with the halal requirements?

Some Fortuin products contain gelatine (gelatine is a protein product of animal origin). If you want to know if a Fortuin product contains gelatine, you can check the list of ingredients on the packaging. For more information about gelatine, please check the answer to the question: “What about gelatine in confectionery products?”.

Are Fortuin products suitable for vegans and/or vegetarians?

Some Fortuin products contain gelatine (gelatine is a protein product of animal origin). If you want to know if a Fortuin product contains gelatine, you can check the list of ingredients on the packaging. For more information about gelatine, please check the answer to the question: “What about gelatine in confectionery products?”.

Hoe zit het met gelatine in snoepproducten?

Gelatine is een eiwitproduct van dierlijke oorsprong, dat in zeer veel producten wordt toegepast ( o.a. in kwarktaart, pudding, vruchtensappen, jam, koek, bier, medicijnen). Bij een aantal producten van Fortuin is dit ingrediënt essentieel voor de bindingskracht van het product. Momenteel zijn er (nog) geen plantaardige vervangers voorhanden. Indien een product gelatine bevat dan staat dit altijd op de verpakking vermeld. Vegetariërs of aanhangers van bepaalde religies die gelatine willen mijden, kunnen het dus altijd vinden op de ingrediëntenlijst.

Ik heb een andere vraag. Waar kan ik terecht?

Heb je een andere vraag? Neem gerust contact op via ons contactformulier. Onze experts brengen je dan snel verder.

Ask our experts!

Nico van der Wal, Nationaal accountmanager Fortuin

+31 (0)519 – 29 44 55 | [email protected]